We invite you to register your child for admission to Scholars' Nest School, at the location most suited for your requirements.
For admission into Scholars' Nest School the following Notice must be fulfilled :-
- 1. Application for admission should be made to the principal on the prescribed form with prospectus obtained from the school.
- 2. The age for admission to class 1st is between the ages of 5 and 6 years and the corresponding increase for the higher classes. (And child must be 2.5 plus for Nursery class on, 31st March.)
- 3. New students must be accompanied by their parents or guardians.
- 4. Pupils for admission to any class except for Nursery must qualify an entrance exam. (Rs. 50/-will be charged for this entrance exam/test.)
- 5. The birth certificate must be submitted at the time of admission. The birth certificate will be accepted upto class 1st only.
- 6. Transfer Certificate is compulsory from class 2nd onwards if previous school was CBSE other wise Transfer Certificate with counter signature is required.
- 7. At the time of admission of any student (except poor students), Rs. 50/-must be deposited to render financial assistance to needy students. This fund will be used to assist poor students to pay tuition fees only.
- 8. Date of birth mentioned in the admission will not be changed.
- 9. Tuition fee is charged for 12 calender months. As a rule no concession in tuition fee is given.
- 10. Fees must be paid for all the months during which student's name has been carried on the school register even if the student has been absent during those months. In all cases of readmission, full admission fee will be charged, students withdrawn during the term will be required to pay full fee for the session.
- 11. The school fee must be paid in advance on 15th of each month. Otherwise one is liable to be fined. In case any student fails to remit his tuition fee on or before 21st of the month prescribed as last date and it is not deposited with fine in the next month, his name will be struck off from the roll.
- 12. No student will be allowed to sit for an examination unless the fees are fully paid. No Transfer certificate will be issued unless the dues of the school have been paid.