

Scholars' Nest School Rules & Regulations

Selecting a school for your child is of prime importance. For in doing so, you are taking a decision about your child's future and the kind of person you would expect your child to become. A decision on behalf of a child who trusts you.

We invite you to register your child for admission to Scholars' Nest School, at the location most suited for your requirements.

For admission into Scholars' Nest School the following rules must be fulfilled :-

  • 1. Application for admission should be made to the principal on the prescribed form with prospectus obtained from the school.
  • 2. The age for admission to class 1st is between the ages of 5 and 6 years and the corresponding increase for the higher classes. (And child must be 2.5 plus for Nursery class on, 31st March.)
  • 3. New students must be accompanied by their parents or guardians.
  • 4. Pupils for admission to any class except for Nursery must qualify an entrance exam. (Rs. 50/-will be charged for this entrance exam/test.)
  • 5. The birth certificate must be submitted at the time of admission. The birth certificate will be accepted upto class 1st only.
  • 6. Transfer Certificate is compulsory from class 2nd onwards if previous school was CBSE other wise Transfer Certificate with counter signature is required.
  • 7. At the time of admission of any student (except poor students), Rs. 50/-must be deposited to render financial assistance to needy students. This fund will be used to assist poor students to pay tuition fees only.
  • 8. Date of birth mentioned in the admission will not be changed.
  • 9. Tuition fee is charged for 12 calender months. As a rule no concession in tuition fee is given.
  • 10. Fees must be paid for all the months during which student's name has been carried on the school register even if the student has been absent during those months. In all cases of readmission, full admission fee will be charged, students withdrawn during the term will be required to pay full fee for the session.
  • 11. The school fee must be paid in advance on 15th of each month. Otherwise one is liable to be fined. In case any student fails to remit his tuition fee on or before 21st of the month prescribed as last date and it is not deposited with fine in the next month, his name will be struck off from the roll.
  • 12. No student will be allowed to sit for an examination unless the fees are fully paid. No Transfer certificate will be issued unless the dues of the school have been paid.
  • 1. The first bell for class is rung ten minutes before the beginning of the first period when all the students should get ready for the assembly. At the second bell the assembly recites the common prayer and National Anthem.
  • 2. Student should maintain absolute silence during morning assembly and while moving into class rooms.
  • 3. Attendance roll will be called at the beginning of the session. As regular attendance is an important requirement for successful results, a written application for leave must be submitted well in advance. The name of the student who is absent for 30 days without leave shall be struck off the roll.
  • 4. A minimum attendance of 75% of the total working days is required during the academic year, falling short of which the student will not be allowed to appear in the examination that year.
  • 5. A student who is absent from school without leave or is habitually late will not be admitted to class without the permission of the Principal.
  • 6. No student is allowed to leave the classroom during the school hours without the teacher's permission or until the class is over. No student is allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours without the written permission of the principal.
  • 7. All students must be clean. They should always keep their books clean and covered with their names written on them. Scribbling on the desks, walls, books etc. is strictly forbidden. Those who damage the school property must pay for its repairs.
  • 8. Refinement of manner and courtesy of speech is expected from every student. Strict regularity and implicit obedience in class will be expected from the students. Irregular attendance, habitual inattention, misbehavior, insubordinations to teachers and any kind of cheating or serious misconduct either reported or observed will be deemed sufficient reason for dismissal of a student.
  • 9. Every student is obliged to take an active part in all school activities as music, games, cultural programmers and P.T. etc.
  • 10. No student suffering from a contagious or infectious disease will be permitted to attend school. Once one is cured, one must produce the Doctor's certificate to that effect.
  • 11. Those who bring some edibles may eat them during the interval. All must be careful not to throw waste paper etc. on the ground or in the class but they must put them in the basket provided for the purpose.
  • 12. Books, periodicals, pictures or newspapers not approved by the principal are not allowed to be brought into school.
  • 13. If any one has any genuine complaint to make or suggestion to offer for the improvement of the school he or she must do so in writing to the principal with due respect and true to facts.
  • 14. Parents are expected to co-operate with the authorities in maintaining regularity and discipline among their wards.
  • 15. Parents are required to check the diary of their wards everyday.
  • 16. Students are not allowed to bring valuable ornaments, watches, money and mobile phones to the school. The school dose not accept any responsibility for the loss of books, ornament, money, clothes, watches and mobile phone.
  • 17. Students should always speak English while in school and should try to maintain a high standard in their conversation.
  • 18. In the absence of a teacher the monitor of the class assumes responsibility. He or She should do the duty with loyalty and impartiality.
  • 19. The school will not be responsible for students after school hours.
  • 20. Parents or Guardians are not allowed to see their wards or interview teachers during school hours.
  • 21. Students should bring their school diary to school daily.
  • 22. The Principal has the right to suspend a student. The Principal may also ask parents/guardians to withdraw their child from the school if his/her educational progress is not satisfactory. Children have plenty of oral work to do singing playing and rhymes etc. So no written reports will be tests to determine the pupils conduct application and progress during that period.
  • 1. Strict silence should be observed in the library.
  • 2. Only one book at a time will be issued.
  • 3. It may be kept for a week only.
  • 4. Students are expected to take great care of the library books. If a book is lost or damaged the student in whose name it was issued will have to make good the loss or damage.
  • 5. Tearing of pages and pictures from books and magazines is a bad habit and must be avoided.
  • 6. Magazines after reading must be placed back in the same place from where they were taken.
  • 7. Failure to return the book by the due date involves a payment of Rs. 2/-per day for the time the book is over due.
  • 8. All the books must be returned before the commencement of the examinations.
  • 1. Strict silence must be observed in the laboratory during the practical as well as other times.
  • 2. No equipment or chemicals except the ones provided for the practical should be handled by the students.
  • 3. In case of damage or loss done by the a student/students in the laboratory, the fine will be charged from students.
  • 4. All the articles issued from the laboratories must be returned before the commencement of the annual examination and clearance certificate obtained from the science teachers to enable the students to appear in the annual examination.
  • 1. The Kinder Garden classes (Nursery, L.K.G and U.K.G.) where children have plenty of oral work to do singing, playing and rhymes etc. So no written reports will be expected of them. As for the other classes every two months there will be tests to determine the pupils conduct application and progress during that period.
  • 2. Reports will be given to students who should bring it back within three days duly countersigned by their parents or guardian.
  • 3. Appearance at the tests and examination is compulsory.
  • 4. No student should be absent in any examinations (half-yearly and annual) and tests except when prevented by reason of health in which case a medical certificate is required.
  • 5. A student absent in any examination for any reason will not be re-examined.
  • 6. Promotion is granted on the basis of the whole year's work. The annual examination is a means to reaffirm results of a full year's work. The decision of the school authorities with regard to promotion is final.
  • 1. Rules and regulations mentioned herein may be changed without notice.
  • 2. Any modifications, as and when made, will be binding on all existing students.

The Parent School Association's main purpose is to develop a continuing channel of communication between parents and the school administration and faculty. In order to do this, the Parents School Association:

  • Acts as a link between parents and faculty.
  • Conducts meeting among parents, principal and teachers to ascertain the progress of their children.
  • Parent and Teacher meetings are held on the last Saturday of every month for every class. The exact dates for these meetings is intimated to the parents.
  • Provides social venues where parents, students and teachers can interact.
  • Provides services in support of school activities.
  • Represents the view of parents at the monthly round table meetings and to the Scholars' Nest Management committee.